About Accreditation

IPRS Accreditation: A Distinctive Recognition For PR Professionals

IPRS Accreditation is the imprimatur of leadership in the communications industry.

IPRS is a self-regulating accreditation body that sets international benchmark standards for Public Relations professionals in Singapore.

Launched in 2000, the IPRS Accreditation Scheme is a distinctive recognition for PR professionals who have demonstrated strategic thinking, broad knowledge and experience in the field, and at the same time exhibited high standards of professionalism, commitment to the profession and code of ethics.  Accredited members are leaders who give back to the industry by sharing their experience, insights, wisdom and thought leadership.

The IPRS has 43 Accredited Members to-date.


Be an Accredited Member of IPRS:

  • Be accorded with the highest industry recognition by the national professional body for Public Relations practitioners in Singapore.
  • Be given privileged use of the title ‘AMIPRS’ to your name to reflect the prestige bestowed upon the best in the profession.
  • Be formally recognised at key events such as the PRISM Awards and the IPRS’ Annual General Meeting.
  • Be listed on our website.
  • Be profiled in our e-newsletters.

Be Rewarded with Exclusives.

  • Access to by-invitation-only seminars/talks, networking events and dialogues with key influencers from Singapore and international arena.
  • Priority access to all IPRS events and be connected to the latest best practices and upcoming developments in the PR and communication profession

Be a Key Influencer in Shaping the Profession.

  • Priority to helm courses and workshops organised by IPRS
  • Opportunities to be the voice of the profession and to represent IPRS at public talks and forums
  • Be a mentor to Communication graduates and undergraduates

Contribute your views to initiatives that set leadership standards


Who Can Be An Accredited Member?

Accredited Scheme Information and Eligibility.

Eight years full-time experience in the professional practice of Public Relations, Corporate Communication, Marketing Communication or Media at managerial level, of which at least four years must be in communication. (Journalism, research analyst, etc do not constitute as communication though these roles are part of the media landscape.)

An Accredited Member shall have demonstrated broad knowledge, experience and professional judgement in the field through an accreditation process and shall hold the accreditation for a period of two years.

An Accredited Member shall be entitled to use the AMIPRS designation and has voting rights in the affairs of the Institute.

If you are ready for Accreditation, please email the IPRS Secretariat at admin@iprs.org.sg to enquire more about the application process or proceed to apply via our Membership Application > Accredited Members.

Applicants are encouraged to think about how they will share their experience to grow and enhance the body of knowledge in the Singapore PR community.